Freelance writing services provided by a trained & experienced journalist & digital content marketer
Hi there! I'm Mina - a New Zealand-based freelance writer. For 7+ years I've worked across magazine journalism and content marketing, providing international brands and magazines with high quality written content. I also have a background as a teacher aide, and love supporting others with their writing ambitions - whether they be professional or as a hobby. Over my career I've built up a number of skills that enable me to support people with their writing needs across a variety of platforms.
To learn about my writing services, courses and books - please keep reading. You can also learn more about my training and experience via my LinkedIn profile - or check out my writing portfolio to get an idea of my writing style.
Freelance writing services
Website content writing services: SEO content writing, copywriting, editing, proofreading
Freelance writing for magazines and newspapers
Email newsletter writing
Social media content writing
Audio transcription
CV writing services: bespoke CVs, cover letters and LinkedIn profile optimisation
Freelance proofreading & editing
AI content editing and fact-checking